Sister Cesira was the driving force in my obtaining family information to her family line. She was a dear friend that I enjoyed talking to on the phone and communication with via mail and email.
The FindAGrave.com memorials are located here:
A brief video explains more about the family history:
Pierotti - Pierrottie - Pierrotti Family & Photos
Ulysse Gabriel Pierrottie, A 33 year battle for his family's rights
Mary Pierrottie Soileau
Jane Bertrand Ortego
Sister Cesira Pierotti
Balthazar Pierotti
Louis David "L.D" Verrette Obituary
Betty Lou Deshotel Hollier Obituary
Donald Joseph Pierotti Obituary
A new and revised 2022 version of the Pierotti - Pierrottie - Pierrotti Family & Photo is available here.