Charles Darwin and his wife Emma were first cousins. A cousin marriage is a marriage where the partners are cousins (i.e. people with common grandparents or people who share other fairly recent ancestors). The practice was common in earlier times, and continues to be common in some societies today, though in some jurisdictions such marriages are prohibited. Worldwide, more than 10% of marriages are between first or second cousins. (1)
Accordingly, it is not uncommon to find cousin marriages in Southwest Louisiana. Moreover, the lack of mobility until the mid-20th century facilitated intermarriages as people lived in the same geographic area from birth to death when the U.S. was predominately an agrarian society. Parents frequently made room for a child by gifting property to farm. First cousins lived in close proximity to each other.
Many people in southwest Louisiana are familiar with the Pierrottie families that began with Constantino Pierotti (1832-1892), also known as August Constant Pierotti. He was from Italy and emigrated to America in hopes of earning enough money to return to Italy, perhaps to bring back loved ones so they too could escape the poor economy in Northern Italy. His plan to settle in the ante-bellum South fell apart upon his 1855 arrival and later when he was drafted into the Civil War.

Ulysse Gabriel Pierrottie, A 33 year battle for his family's rights
Mary Pierrottie Soileau
Jane Bertrand Ortego
Sister Cesira Pierotti
Louis David "L.D" Verrette Obituary
Betty Lou Deshotel Hollier Obituary
Donald Joseph Pierotti Obituary
Pierotti - Pierrottie - Pierrotti Family & Photos
Dominique Martel Southwest Louisiana Family
Constantino Pierotti Video

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