He was born at Grand Chenier, in Cameron Parish, February 3, 1873. His father, Pierre V. Miller, a native of St. Landry Parish, was a farmer and stockman, and served with a regiment from Vermilion Parish in the Confederate army. He was a member of the police jury, and well known among the democratic leaders throughout Southwestern Louisiana. He was living retired at Lake Arthur when he died in 1914 at the age of eighty-five. Pierre Miller married Emilia Broussard, a native of Vermilion Parish. [Murphy Miller comment. He died in 1933 at the age of 60+ years]
Valerian Albert Miller attended public schools in his native parish, was also a student in the Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, Tennessee, and took his medical course in Vanderbilt University at Nashville, where he graduated in 1895. From 1895 to 1897 he practiced at Humphrey, Arkansas, and since the latter year his home has been at Lake Arthur. He served as president of the Calcasieu Parish Medical Society, and was one of the organizers of the Jefferson Davis Parish Medical Society. and during the recent World war he was medical examiner on the Jefferson Davis Selection Draft and Exemption Board and chairman of the Red Cross drives. He has served as coroner of the latter parish since 1918, and has been a member of the parish school board since the parish was created in 1913, having previously served on the Calcasieu Parish Board. Doctor Miller is one of the owners of the Lake Arthur Pharmacy. His recreation mostly is looking after his farm, and he is one of the rice farmers of this locality. Doctor Miller served as the first mayor of Lake Arthur, and was the first president of the local Chamber of Commerce. He is a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and belongs to Live Oak Lodge No. 346, F. and A. M., the Royal Arch Chapter, Council, the Knights Templar Commandery, the Scottish Rites Consistory and Mystic Shrine. He is a member of the Jefferson Davis Parish democratic committee, and has been a councillor of the Seventh District Louisiana State Medical Society and in 1911 was chosen a delegate by the state society to the American Medical Association.
Doctor Miller married at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1895, Miss Annie May Parks, who died in 1897. She left one son, Lee, who while a student at the University of Kentucky enlisted in the navy during the World War, and is now employed in the Woolworth Department Store at Boston, Massachusetts. Doctor Miller's second wife was Emma Blocker, of Lake Arthur, daughter of the late Rev. R. M. Blocker, a Methodist minister. By this marriage there arc three children: Lura, who graduated A. B. from the Louisiana State University, the wife of J. E. Bullerworth, of Baton Rouge; Albert C., a student in civil and petrol engineering at the Louisiana State University; and Melba Lou, a student in high school.
Scanned and edited for republication by Mike Miller, using the following source: A History of Louisiana, (vol. 2), pp. 257-258, by Henry E. Chambers. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, 1925.