Moreover, I have provided 10 of 40 pages on the Onezime James LeDoux descendants. See attachment.
EUNICE DEMI-TASSE By MERCEDES VIDRINE (Daily World, Opelousas, LA, 01 Mar 1970)
The LeDoux Family Tree' EUNICE Just about everyone is getting interested in their "Family Tree' these days ... and if you've got the time (and the money) a whole new world of adventure awaits you as you start with the tree, then the branches, limbs and twigs.
I have chosen to start by research with my father's family and information given here has been checked out with Mrs. Cyprien Landreneau of Mamou, who is the daughter of Louisiana LeDoux, a sister of my grandfather, Onezime LeDoux.
My "tree" starts with Onezipe LeDoux and his wife, Marie Miller.
There were seven "branches" or offspring born to this couple that I know of. They were Oze-man, Onezime, Louisiana, Tanice, Bebe, Marit, and Onezia. Louisiana, the mother of Mrs. Cyprien Landreneau, is now Mrs. Danio Young of Mamou. Marit was married to Octave Fruge and Onezia to Felecian LeDoux.
The "limbs" from these branches (their children) include: from Ozeman LeDoux were Mrs. Wills Godeaux [Eva LeDoux, daughter of Onezime "Gene" LeDoux and Rose Lucille Pierotti] of Mamou and Mrs. Valcour Varrett [Fannie LeDoux, daughter of Onezime "Gene" LeDoux and Rose Lucille Pierotti] of Mamou.
From Onezime, who married Lucinda Young, were Arnold, Alfred, Alphan (my father), Eugenia (Mrs. Wesley McGee) and Ernest.
From Louisiana, Mrs. Cyprien Landreneau. From Tanice, Beulah (Mrs. Louis Dischler Sr.), Horace, James Lee.
From Babe, Clayton, Human "Bill", Irving, Bennie, Telia. The "twigs" from Arnold LeDoux and Adeline Ardoin are Jack (who married Rose Marie Guillory), Mary Lou (who married Dan Guillory), and Edmund, who married Erika Baum.
"Twigs" from Alfred LeDoux, who married Anaise Martel, was a daughter Pearl, who married Francis LeDoux.
"Twigs" from Alphan, who married Ella Fruge were, Elta (Mrs. Elton Frey), Joseph Edward "Boo" LeDoux, who married Priscilla Buller; Edna Mae (who married Lawrence Moncla, deceased; and Joe A. Beaugh), Rosalie, who married Gaines C. Chachere Jr.; Mercedes, who married Rivers P. Vidrine and Walter "Butsy," who married Flossie Ferro.
"Twig" from Eugenia and Wesley McGee was Mae, who married Harold Guillet.
"Twigs" from Ernest and Gladys are John, who married Virginia Montz; Geraldine, who married Hugh Meeks, and Rickey LeDoux.
"Leaves" from the Jack LeDoux twig would be Kathleen, who is married to Mike Sloans; Jack Arnold, Lucinda and Donnie. From Mary Lou and Dan Guillory are Dan Jr., David and Don. From the Edmund LeDoux twig are Karl Edmund and Lorie Ann.
"Leaves" from the Francis LeDoux are a son, Richard", who is married to Teadie Manuel.
"Leaves" from Harold and Mae Guillet are Eugenia (Mrs. Ray Chapman) and Clifford Guillet.
"Leaves" from the John LeDouxs are four offspring and from Hugh and Jerry Meeks there are Jimmy, Glen and Pam.
"Leaves" from Elta and Elton Frey are Jo Ann, who married Ronald Aguillard, and Timothy; from "Boo" are Bonnie (Mrs. Burt Sammis) and Joe Jr.; from Edna is Lawrence Theo Moncla, who married Jo Ann Dement; from Rosalie is Virginia Louise Chachere; from Butsy is Donna (Mrs. Russell Doise) and Nicky.
From Rivers and I [Mercedes LeDoux] there are Roxanne (Mrs. Tom Britt), Robert Peter, James Gregory and Stephen Kyle.
Let me hasten to say, I am quite sure I have omitted someone or perhaps my information is wrong. If you have an additions or can add any dates or other pertinent information, please jot it down on a piece of paper and mail it to me, Box 863, Eunice. Just think all these branches, limbs, twigs and leaves come from one tree that 'dates back to the 1800's, . . and even though it goes back much further than that.
This is all the research I have to impart at the present time on the LeDoux "Family Tree."
Additional family information and photos of persons named above would be appreciated. Please email me: [email protected].
ledouxonezime_mariemillerdescendants_5generations_10pages.pdf |
Richard D. "Dick" LeDoux - June 2018 blog
Louis LeDoux “The Lifewriter’s Digest”, 2002, By Denis LeDoux